Am I a plotter or pant-ser writer?
I “pants” it for the first 20,000 words, then plot the rest. My characters tell me where I’m going. And that’s totally not creepy.
Where do I get my best story ideas?
The checkout line at the grocery store, the DMV, doctor and dentist offices, weddings. And whenever I shop at Wal-Mart, I come home radiant. I’d say the very best ideas and characters come from watching and listening to real people.
Linda Kozar is an award-winning multi-published author of traditional and indie-published fiction and nonfiction books with a Southern flair. Linda and her husband Michael live in The Woodlands, Texas and enjoy spending time with their two grown daughters, their wonderful son-in-law, and grands Eden and Wesley.
Linda's Quotes Quo Vide
"If you are on the road to traditional publication, get yourself a thick hide. Learn how to handle rejection and then persevere to the next critique, or edit. Be bold and tenacious. Teachable and undeniable. Study to show yourself approved as the Bible says and pray, pray, pray."
"Though the publishing world is going through some radical changes and upheavals—writers—keep your eyes on Jesus. If God wants your name in print, He will make that happen. Our job is to answer the call to write and trust Him. Too many writers concentrate on waiting for “the call” from an agent or editor when they should be praying and waiting to hear from God."